Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here comes the Windows 7 series phone

Say Goodbye to your Windows Mobile and say Hello to Windows 7 Phone Series! Microsoft has revealed their newest mobile operating system – the Windows Phone 7 Series. Windows Phone 7 Series is not only a rebranding and a redesign of Windows Mobile but a completely new and fresh mobile operating system. This new mobile operating system looks like it was built from scratch because there are no traces of the old Windows Mobile – everything is supposed to be brand new.

See below a short video featuring the user interface of the Windows Phone 7 Series.

Based from what I have gathered and seen, it doesn’t look like anything close to windows mobile. I have tried out the older version of windows mobile and one of the latest from HTC phones but this is just totally different, I don’t feel a sense of “copying” from Android or from iphone MAC OS, I am looking forward to this.

Visit the official Windows Phone 7 Series website..
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