How to type a Heart "♥"? Since its gonna be a month of love aside from Chinese New Year Celebrations, you need this to express your feelings to a loved one who is in another country or someone you like.
This should work in any Windows word processor, text editor, browser or email client. Just follow the How to type a Heart "♥" instructions below:
1. Make sure your keyboard is in NumLock mode.
2. Hold down the ALT key and enter the number on the numeric keypad. (Note that many laptops have a blue FN key that changes a set of keys, also with blue numbers on them and usually in the 7-8-9-U-I-O area, into a numeric keypad.)
for ☺ 1
for ☻ 2
for ♥ 3 <===
for ♦ 4
for ♣ 5
for ♠ 6
for • 7
for ◘ 8
for ○ 9
for ◙ 10
for ♂ 11
for ♀ 12
for ♪ 13
for ♫ 14
for ☼ 15
for ► 16
for ◄ 17
for ↕ 18
for ‼ 19
for ¶ 20
for § 21
for ▬ 22
for ↨ 23
for ↑ 24
for ↓ 25
for → 26
for ← 27
for ∟ 28
for ↔ 29
for ▲ 30
for ▼ 31
You can use the heart in combination to these other symbols ☺ Enjoy and happy hearts day!
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